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The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 19, No. 539, March 24, 1832 by Various
page 48 of 54 (88%)


_A Dancing Archbishop_.--Dr. King, Archbishop of Dublin, having invited
several persons of distinction to dine with him, had, amongst a great
variety of dishes, a fine leg of mutton and caper sauce; but the doctor,
who was not fond of butter, and remarkable for preferring a trencher to a
plate, had some of the abovementioned pickle introduced dry for his use;
which, as he was mincing, he called aloud to the company to observe him;
"I here present you, my lords and gentlemen," said he, "with a sight that
may henceforward serve you to talk of as something curious, namely, that
you saw an Archbishop of Dublin, at fourscore and seven years of age, cut
capers upon a trencher."


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_Singular Parish_.--In the parish of East Twyford, near Harrow, in the
county of Middlesex, there is only one house, and the farmer who occupies
it is perpetual churchwarden of a church which has no incumbent, and in
which no duty is performed. The parish has been in this state ever since
the time of Queen Elizabeth.


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