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The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 19, No. 539, March 24, 1832 by Various
page 5 of 54 (09%)
shall we think of the Queen of Heaven?' The latter was the better courtier
of the two.

"My Lord, I know none in this age more capable to sit in the chair, and
censure what is true learning, and what _not_, than yourself; therefore,
in speaking of this subject to your Lordship, I fear to have committed the
same error as Phormio did, in discoursing of war before Hannibal.

"My Lord, your most humble, &c.


* * * * *


(_For the Mirror_.)

There is an illuminated Psalter preserved amongst the MSS. in the British
Museum, 2. A. 16., written by John Mallard, Chaplain to Henry VIII.,
wherein are several notes in that king's hand writing, some in pencil
prefixed to Psalm liii. ("_Dixit incipiens_.") According to a very ancient
custom are the figures of King David and a fool, in this instance
evidently the portraits of Henry and his jester, Will Somers.

S. K.

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