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The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 19, No. 539, March 24, 1832 by Various
page 53 of 54 (98%)

With many Engravings, price 5s.


And Annual Register of the Useful Arts for 1832. Abridged from the
Transactions of Public Societies, and Scientific Journals, British and
Foreign, for the past year. This volume will contain all the Important
Facts in the year 1831--in the Mechanic Arts, Chemical Science, Zoology,
Botany, Mineralogy, Geology, Meteorology, Rural Economy, Gardening,
Domestic Economy, Useful and Elegant Arts, Miscellaneous Scientific

"It is with great pleasure that we find the success of the former volumes
of this valuable record of whatever is new in science or interesting in
art, such as to encourage its publisher to make fresh exertions for public
favour, in the compilation of the year passed. Such a work is exceedingly
valuable, and may be considered in the light of a Cyclopaedia, to which
the most eminent of their time for talent and attainments are constantly
contributing."--_New Monthly Magazine. March_, 1832.

"As heretofore, a very useful record of the improvements and novelties of
the year."--_Literary Gazette_.

"The Arcana of Science and Art contains a vast deal of information of an
useful kind."--_Athenaeum_.

Printed for JOHN LIMBIRD, 143, Strand; of whom may be had volumes (upon
the same plan) for 1828, price 4s. 6d, 1829--30--31, price 5s. each.

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