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Scientific American Supplement, No. 514, November 7, 1885 by Various
page 2 of 133 (01%)
Solid Fuels.

The Manufacture of Steel Castings.

Science in Diminishing Casualties at Sea.--Extract of a paper
read before the British Association by DON ARTURO DE MARCOARTER.

Improved Leveling Machine. 9 figures.

The Span of Cabin John Bridge.

Improvements in Metal Wheels. 3 figures.

Apparatus for the Production of Water Gas. 3 figures.

III. TECHNOLOGY.--The Blue Print Process.--R.W. JONES.

Reproductions of Drawings in Blue Lines on White Ground.--By

A Plan for a Carbonizing House.--With full description and 5

The Scholar's Compasses.

The Integraph.--With full description and engraving.

Apparatus for the Manufacture of Gaseous Beverages. 2 engravings.

Sandmann's Vinegar Apparatus. 1 figure.
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