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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, February 5, 1919 by Various
page 3 of 64 (04%)
thinking of retorting with a fugue, "Stiltonia," is not confirmed.


The Aircraft Salvage branch announces that not less than one thousand
five hundred yards of the aeroplane linen which is being disposed
of to the public will be sold to one purchaser. In the event of the
purchaser deciding to use it as a pocket-handkerchief he can have it
hemstitched for a trifling sum.


Improvement is reported in the condition of the taxi-cab driver who
had a seizure in Piccadilly Circus while attempting to say "Thank you"
to a fare.


We are pleased to be able to announce that the Kensington man who last
week managed to board a tube train has consented to write a book about


Writing to a contemporary a Leeds correspondent says that he does not
think much of an inactive corporation. As a matter of fact, since the
introduction of rationing we didn't think active ones were being worn.


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