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Monkey Jack and Other Stories by Unknown
page 3 of 19 (15%)

But more than this they glad-ly do--
Each coin they get they save with care,
And Ro-sa brings her six-pence, too,
To swell the splen-did treas-ure there.

Mon-ey can pur-chase any-thing.
The hap-py chil-dren send to town,
And to the crip-ple's bed they bring
A sur-geon of the first re-nown.

Oh, beau-ti-ful tri-um-phant day!
When light of heart and free from pain,
The pa-tient lad has slipped away,
And "Mon-key Jack" climbs trees again!


Here are a num-ber of lit-tle tots, and what do you think they are
do-ing? I think the lit-tle girl on her knees is pay-ing for-feits.


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