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Mr. Meeson's Will by H. Rider (Henry Rider) Haggard
page 11 of 235 (04%)

AUGUSTA SMITHERS _in account with_ MEESON & Co.

£ s d
To Sale of Right of Translation of 7 0 0
"Jemima's Vow" into French......
Do. do. do. into German 7 0 0
£14 0 0
£ s d
Less amount due to Messrs. Meeson, being 7 0 0
one-half of net proceeds
Less Commission, &c 3 19 0
£10 19 0
Balance due to Author, as per cheque £3 1 0
herewith. --------

Augusta looked, and then slowly crumpled up the cheque in her hand.

"If I understand, Mr. Meeson," she said, "you have sold the two rights of
translation of my book, which you persuaded me to leave in your hands,
for £14; out of which I am to receive £3 1s.?"

"Yes, Miss Smithers. Will you be so kind as to sign the receipt; the fact
is that I have a good deal of business to attend to."

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