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Mr. Meeson's Will by H. Rider (Henry Rider) Haggard
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Mr. Todd did as he was bid.

"I leave all my property, real and personal, to be divided in equal
shares between my two partners, Alfred Tom Addison and Cecil Spooner
Roscoe. There, that's short and sweet, and, one way and another, means a
couple of millions."

"Good heavens! Sir," jerked out Mr. Todd. "Why, do you mean to quite cut
out your nephew--and the other legatees?" he added by way of an

"Of course I do; that is, as regards my nephew. The legatees may stand
as before."

"Well all I have to say," went on the little man, astonished into
honesty, "Is that it is the most shameful thing I ever heard of!"

"Indeed, Mr. Todd, is it? Well now, may I ask you: am I leaving this
property, or are you? Don't trouble yourself to answer that, however, but
just attend. Either you draw up that will at once, while I wait, or you
say good-bye to about £2000 a year, for that's what Meeson's business is
worth, I reckon. Now you take your choice."

Mr. Todd did take his choice. In under an hour, the will, which was very
short, was drawn and engrossed.

"Now then," said Meeson, addressing himself to Mr. Todd and the managing
clerk, as he took the quill between his fingers to sign, "do you two bear
in mind that at the moment I execute this will I am of sound mind,
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