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Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States - From Interviews with Former Slaves - Kentucky Narratives by Work Projects Administration
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out. I say, 'Lor' missis, you're lost that baby.'

"No, I haven't, Missis say. We stopped and shook the comfort and John
was gone. 'Ain't that awful, Miss Mat?' We went back and found him a
mile behind."

I asked Aunt Harriet to sing. She said, "I have to wait for the speret
to move me". (S. Higgins).

(Carl F. Hall)

Rev. John R. Cox:

It is probable that slave labor was more expensive to the white masters
than free labor would have been. Beside having cost quite a sum a
two-year old negro child brought about $1,500 in the slave market, an
adult negro, sound and strong, cost from $5,000 up to as high as
$25,000, or more. The master had to furnish the servant his living. The
free employee is paid only while working; when sick, disabled or when
too old to work, his employer is no longer responsible.

A slave owner, in West Virginia, bought a thirteen year old black girl
at an auction. When this girl was taken to his home she escaped, and
after searching every where, without finding her, he decided that she
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