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The Illustrated London Reading Book by Various
page 17 of 485 (03%)
themselves on the other. From the hooked shape of their bills, they find
it more convenient to turn their food in an outward direction, instead
of, like monkeys and other animals, turning it towards their mouths.

The whole tribe are fond of water, washing and bathing themselves many
times during the day in streams and marshy places; and having shaken the
water from their plumage, seem greatly to enjoy spreading their
beautiful wings to dry in the sun.

* * * * *



[Illustration: Letter T.]

The deep affections of the breast,
That Heaven to living things imparts,
Are not exclusively possess'd
By human hearts.

A parrot, from the Spanish Main,
Full young, and early-caged, came o'er,
With bright wings, to the bleak domain
Of Mulla's shore.
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