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The Illustrated London Reading Book by Various
page 20 of 485 (04%)
said the starling.

[Illustration: STARLING.]

I vow, I never had my affections more tenderly awakened; nor do I
remember an incident in my life, where the dissipated spirits to which
my reason had been a bubble were so suddenly called home. Mechanical as
the notes were, yet so true in tune to nature were they chaunted, that
in one moment they overthrew all my systematic reasonings upon the
Bastile, and I heavily walked up-stairs unsaying every word I had said
in going down them.


* * * * *


[Illustration: Letter J.]

Juggernaut is the principal idol worshipped by the Hindoos, and to his
temple, which is at Pooree, are attached no less than four thousand
priests and servants; of these one set are called Pundahs. In the autumn
of the year they start on a journey through India, preaching in every
town and village the advantages of a pilgrimage to Juggernaut, after
which they conduct to Pooree large bodies of pilgrims for the Rath
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