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The Illustrated London Reading Book by Various
page 22 of 485 (04%)
have been an European conjecture, arising from the numerous deaths that
occur from accidents at the time the immense cars are in progress."

[Illustration: CAR OF JUGGERNAUT.]

These cars have an imposing air, from their great size and loftiness:
the wheels are six feet in diameter; but every part of the ornament is
of the meanest and most paltry description, save only the covering of
striped and spangled broad-cloth, the splendid and gorgeous effect of
which makes up in a great measure for other deficiencies.

During the period the pilgrims remain at Pooree they are not allowed to
eat anything but what has been offered to the idol, and that they have
to buy at a high price from the priests.

* * * * *


[Illustration: Letter C.]

Cyprus, an island in the Levant, is said to have taken its name from the
number of shrubs of that name with which it once abounded. From this
tall shrub, the cypress, its ancient inhabitants made an oil of a very
delicious flavour, which was an article of great importance in their
commerce, and is still in great repute among Eastern nations. It once,
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