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The Illustrated London Reading Book by Various
page 36 of 485 (07%)
To provide for the chance that the dogs, without human help, may succeed
in discovering the unfortunate traveller, one of them has a flask of
spirits round his neck, to which the fainting man may apply for support;
and another has a cloak to cover him. Their wonderful exertions are
often successful; and even where they fail of restoring him who has
perished, the dogs discover the body, so that it may be secured for the
recognition of friends; and such is the effect of the cold, that the
dead features generally preserve their firmness for the space of two
years. One of these noble creatures was decorated with a medal, in
commemoration of his having saved the lives of twenty-two persons, who,
but for his sagacity, must have perished. Many travellers, who have
crossed the pass of St. Bernard, have seen this dog, and have heard,
around the blazing fire of the monks, the story of his extraordinary
career. He perished about the year 1816, in an attempt to convey a poor
traveller to his anxious family.

_The Menageries._

[Illustration: HEAD OF ST. BERNARD DOG.]

* * * * *


Joppa is the principal sea-port town of Palestine and it is very often
mentioned in Scripture.
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