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The Illustrated London Reading Book by Various
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accustoming it at an early period to enter the water, where it plunges
and plays before its parent, who seems to act as its instructress, the
male taking no share in the work.

The tapir is very common in the warm regions of South America, where it
inhabits the forests, leading a solitary life, and seldom stirring from
its retreat during the day, which it passes in a state of tranquil
slumber. During the night, its season of activity, it wanders forth in
search of food, which consists of water-melons, gourds, young shoots of
brushwood, &c.; but, like the hog, it is not very particular in its
diet. Its senses of smell and hearing are extremely acute, and serve to
give timely notice of the approach of enemies. Defended by its tough
thick hide, it is capable of forcing its way through the thick underwood
in any direction it pleases: when thus driving onwards, it carries its
head low, and, as it were, ploughs its course.

The most formidable enemy of this animal, if we except man, is the
jaguar; and it is asserted that when that tiger of the American forest
throws itself upon the tapir, the latter rushes through the most dense
and tangled underwood, bruising its enemy, and generally succeeds in
dislodging him.

The snout of the tapir greatly reminds one of the trunk of the elephant;
for although it is not so long, it is very flexible, and the animal
makes excellent use of it as a crook to draw down twigs to the mouth, or
grasp fruit or bunches of herbage: it has nostrils at the extremity,
but there is no finger-like appendage.

In its disposition the tapir is peaceful and quiet, and, unless hard
pressed, never attempts to attack either man or beast; when, however,
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