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The Illustrated London Reading Book by Various
page 41 of 485 (08%)

Waterloo is a considerable village of Belgium, containing about 1600
inhabitants; and the Field of Waterloo, so celebrated as the scene of
the battle between two of the greatest generals who ever lived, is about
two miles from it. It was very far from a strong position to be chosen
for this purpose, but, no doubt, was the best the country afforded. A
gently rising ground, not steep enough in any part to prevent a rush of
infantry at double-quick time, except in the dell on the left of the
road, near the farm of La Haye Sainte; and along the crest of the hill a
scrubby hedge and low bank fencing a narrow country road. This was all,
except La Haye Sainte and Hougoumont. This _chateau_, or country-seat,
one of those continental residences which unite in them something of the
nature of a castle and a farm-house, was the residence of a Belgic
gentleman. It stands on a little eminence near the main road leading
from Brussels to Nivelles. The buildings consisted of an old tower and a
chapel, and a number of offices, partly surrounded by a farm-yard. The
garden was enclosed by a high and strong wall; round the garden was a
wood or orchard, which was enclosed by a thick hedge, concealing the
wall. The position of the place was deemed so important by the Duke of
Wellington, that he took possession of the Château of Goumont, as it was
called, on the 17th of June, and the troops were soon busily preparing
for the approaching contest, by perforating the walls, making loop-holes
for the fire of the musketry, and erecting scaffolding for the purpose
of firing from the top.

The importance of this place was also so well appreciated by Bonaparte,
that the battle of the 18th began by his attacking Hougoumont. This
name, which was bestowed upon it by the mistake of our great commander,
has quite superseded the real one of Château Goumont. The ruins are
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