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The Illustrated London Reading Book by Various
page 49 of 485 (10%)
Still may he ring when struggles cease--
Still may he ring for joy's increase,
For progress in the arts of peace,
And friendly trophies won;
When rival nations join their hands,
When plenty crowns the happy lands,
When Knowledge gives new blessings birth,
And Freedom reigns o'er all the earth--
_Hurra! the work is done!_


[Illustration: FOUNDING OF THE BELL.]

* * * * *


With his passions, and in spite of his errors, Napoleon was, taking him
all in all, the greatest warrior of modern times. He carried into battle
a stoical courage, a profoundly calculated tenacity, a mind fertile in
sudden inspirations, which, by unlooked-for resources, disconcerted the
plans of his enemy. Let us beware of attributing a long series of
success to the organic power of the masses which he set in motion. The
most experienced eye could scarcely discover in them any thing but
elements of disorder. Still less, let it be said, that he was a
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