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More Fables by George Ade
page 2 of 81 (02%)

_The_ Fable _of_ Why Sweetie Flew _the_ Track

_The_ Fable _of the_ Ex-Chattel _and the_ Awful Swat _that_ was Waiting
_for the_ Colonel

_The_ Fable _of the_ Corporation Director _and the_ Mislaid Ambition

_The_ Fable _of_ What Happened _the_ Night the Men Came _to the_ Women's

_The_ Fable _of_ Why Essie's Tall Friend Got _the_ Fresh Air

_The_ Fable _of the_ Michigan Counterfeit _Who_ Wasn't One Thing _or
the_ Other

_The_ Fable _of the_ Adult Girl Who Got Busy Before They Could Ring
_the_ Bell _on_ Her

_The_ Fable _of the_ Man-Grabber Who Went Out _of_ His Class

_The_ Fable _of the_ Inveterate Joker who Remained _in_ Montana

_The_ Fable _of the_ Cruel Insult _and the_ Arrival _of the_ Lover
_from_ No. 6

_The_ Fable _of the_ Lodge Fiend, _and the_ Delilah Trick Played _by_
His Wife

_The_ Fable _of the_ Apprehensive Sparrow _and_ Her Daily Escape
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