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The Desire of the Moth; and the Come On by Eugene Manlove Rhodes
page 82 of 164 (50%)
sheriff and his satellites of their guns. "He'll do exactly as he
says--both ways."

"I wasn't done talking yet," said Nueces irritably. "But I'll let
Chris take my gun, on one condition."

"What's that?" inquired Pringle.

"Why, if you ain't busy next Saturday I'd like to have you call
around--about one o'clock, say--and kick me good and hard."

"Let him keep his gun. He called me a young fellow. And I don't want
Breslin's, anyway. He's all right. Not to play any favorites, let
Anastacio keep his. There are times," said Pringle, "when I have great
hopes of Anastacio. I'm thinking some of taking him in hand to see if
I can't make a man of him."

"Ananias the Amateur," said Anastacio, "I thank you for those kind
words. And I'd like to see you Saturday about two--when you get
through with Nueces. I'm next on the waiting list. This will be a
lesson to me never to let my opinion of a man be changed by anything
he may do."

"If you fellows feel that way," said Foy, "how about me? How do you
suppose I feel? This man has risked his life fifty times for me--and
what did I think of him?"

"If you ask me, Christopher," said Anastacio, "I think you were quite
excusable. It was all very well to dissemble his love--but I should
feel doubtful of any man that handed me such a wallop as that until
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