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The Desire of the Moth; and the Come On by Eugene Manlove Rhodes
page 91 of 164 (55%)


"_Fair fellow, said Sir Ector, knowest thou not
in this country any adventures that be here nigh
hand? Sir, said the forester,... strike upon
that basin with the butt of thy spear thrice, and
soon after thou shalt hear new tidings, and else hast
thou the fairest grace that many a year had ever
knight that passed through this forest_.... _Then
anon Sir Ector beat on the basin as he were wood_."

Chapter I

"_Ah, take the Cash, and let the Credit go_!"

Steve Thompson had sold his cattle. El Paso is (was) the Monte Carlo
of America. Therefore--The syllogism may he imperfectly stated, but
the conclusion is sound. Perhaps there is a premise suppressed or
overlooked somewhere.

Cash in hand, well fortified with paving material, Thompson descended
on the Gate City. At the expiration of thirty-six blameless hours he
perceived that he was looking through a glass darkly, in the Business
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