The Flying U Ranch by B. M. Bower
page 56 of 160 (35%)
page 56 of 160 (35%)
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you go around and keep 'em going. And, if you locate their camp,
kinda impress it on the tender, if you can round him up, that the Flying U ain't pasturing sheep this spring. No matter what kinda talk he puts up, you put the run on 'em till you see 'em across One-Man coulee. Better have Patsy put you up a lunch--unless you're fond of mutton." Andy twisted his mouth disgustedly. "Say, I'm going to quit handing out any valuable advice to you, Weary," he expostulated. "Haw-haw-haw-w-w!" laughed Big Medicine, and slapped Andy on the shoulder so that his face almost came in contact with his plate. "Yuh will try to work some innercent man into sheepherdin', will yuh? Haw-haw-haw-w! You'll come in tonight blattin'--if yuh don't stay out on the range tryin' t' eat grass, by cripes! Andy had a little lamb that follered him around--" "Better let Bud take that herdin' job, Weary," Andy suggested. "It won't hurt him--he's blattin' already." "If you think you're liable to need somebody along," Weary began, soft-heartedly relenting, "why, I guess--" "If I can't handle two crazy sheepherders without any help, by gracious, I'll get me a job holdin' yarn in an old ladies' hone," Andy cut in hastily, and got up from the table. "Being a truthful man, I can't say I'm stuck on the job; but I'm game for it. And I'll promise you there won't be no more sheep of that brand lickin' our doorsteps. What darned outfit is it, anyway? I never bumped into any Dot sheep before, to my knowledge." |