Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, May 7, 1919. by Various
page 25 of 67 (37%)
page 25 of 67 (37%)
THE MUD LARKS. "So," said Albert Edward, "I clapped him on the back and said, 'You were at Geelong College in 1910, and your name's Cazenove, isn't it?'" "To which he made reply, 'My name's Jones and I never heard of Geewhizz,' and knocked you down and trod on you for your dashed familiarity," said the Babe. "Nothing of the sort. He was delighted to meet me again--de-lighted. He's coming to munch with us tomorrow evening, by the way, so you might sport the tablecloth for once, William old dear, and tell the cook to put it across Og, the fatted capon, and generally strive to live down your reputation as the worst Mess President the world has ever seen. You will, I know--for my sake." Next morning, when I came down to breakfast, I found a note from him saying that he had gone to the Divisional Races with his dear old college chum, Cazenove; also the following addenda:-- "P.S.--If William should miss a few francs from the Mess Fund tell him I will return it fourfold ere night. I am on to a sure thing. "P.P.S.--If MacTavish should raise a howl about his fawn leggings, tell him I have borrowed them for the day as I understand there will be V.A.D.'s present, and _noblesse oblige_." At a quarter past eight that night he returned, accompanied by a pleasant-looking gunner subaltern, whom we gathered to be the Cazenove |