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A Social History of the American Negro - Being a History of the Negro Problem in the United States. Including - A History and Study of the Republic of Liberia by Benjamin Brawley
page 135 of 545 (24%)
occupy in the territory of Florida, are willing that their
confidential chiefs, Jumper, Fuch-a-lus-to-had-jo, Charley Emathla,
Coi-had-jo, Holati-Emathla, Ya-ha-had-jo, Sam Jones, accompanied
by their agent, Major John Phagan, and their faithful interpreter,
Abraham, should be sent, at the expense of the United States, as
early as convenient, to examine the country assigned to the Creeks,
west of the Mississippi River, and should they be satisfied with the
character of the country, and of the favorable disposition of the
Creeks to re-unite with the Seminoles as one people; the articles of
the compact and agreement herein stipulated, at Payne's Landing,
on the Ocklawaha River, this ninth day of May, one thousand eight
hundred and thirty-two, between James Gadsden, for and in behalf of
the government of the United States, and the undersigned chiefs and
headmen, for and in behalf of the Seminole Indians, shall be binding
on the respective parties.

Article I. The Seminole Indians relinquish to the United States
all claim to the land they at present occupy in the territory of
Florida, and agree to emigrate to the country assigned to the
Creeks, west of the Mississippi River, it being understood that an
additional extent of country, proportioned to their numbers, will
be added to the Creek territory, and that the Seminoles will be
received as a constituent part of the Creek nation, and be
re-admitted to all the privileges as a member of the same.

Article II. For and in consideration of the relinquishment of claim
in the first article of this agreement, and in full compensation for
all the improvements which may have been made on the lands thereby
ceded, the United States stipulate to pay to the Seminole Indians
fifteen thousand four hundred ($15,400) dollars, to be divided
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