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A Social History of the American Negro - Being a History of the Negro Problem in the United States. Including - A History and Study of the Republic of Liberia by Benjamin Brawley
page 84 of 545 (15%)
promote knowledge, union, friendship, and proper conduct among

_Secondly_, We advise such of you, as have not been taught reading,
writing, and the first principles of arithmetic, to acquire them
as early as possible. Carefully attend to the instruction of your
children in the same simple and useful branches of education. Cause
them, likewise, early and frequently to read the holy Scriptures;
these contain, amongst other great discoveries, the precious record
of the original equality of mankind, and of the obligations of
universal justice and benevolence, which are derived from the
relation of the human race to each other in a common Father.

_Thirdly_, Teach your children useful trades, or to labor with their
hands in cultivating the earth. These employments are favorable to
health and virtue. In the choice of masters, who are to instruct
them in the above branches of business, prefer those who will work
with them; by this means they will acquire habits of industry, and
be better preserved from vice than if they worked alone, or under
the eye of persons less interested in their welfare. In forming
contracts, for yourselves or children, with masters, it may be
useful to consult such persons as are capable of giving you the best
advice, and who are known to be your friends, in order to prevent
advantages being taken of your ignorance of the laws and customs of
our country.

_Fourthly_, Be diligent in your respective callings, and faithful in
all the relations you bear in society, whether as husbands, wives,
fathers, children or hired servants. Be just in all your dealings.
Be simple in your dress and furniture, and frugal in your family
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