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Darrel of the Blessed Isles by Irving Bacheller
page 3 of 319 (00%)
in Treby Magna.

As to "the men of the dark," they have long afflicted a man living
and well known to the author of this tale, who now commits it to
the world hoping only that these poor children of his brain may
deserve kindness if not approval.

March, 1903.



I. The Story of the Little Red Sleigh
II. The Crystal City and the Traveller
III. The Clock Tinker
IV. The Uphill Road
V. At the Sign o' the Dial
VI. A Certain Rich Man
VII. Darrel of the Blessed Isles
VIII. Dust of Diamonds in the Hour-glass
IX. Drove and Drovers
X. An Odd Meeting
XI. The Old Rag Doll
XII. The Santa Claus of Cedar Hill
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