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The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 06, June, 1888 by Various
page 22 of 77 (28%)
Among the recent issues of the press, none has been more effective and
deservedly popular than the pamphlet entitled, "OUR COUNTRY," written
by our esteemed friend, Rev. Josiah Strong, D.D. It has aroused public
attention in a remarkable degree, and has opened the way for a career
of most promising usefulness to the author.

Our only regret in reading these stirring pages, has arisen from the
fact, that in its survey it leaves almost entirely out of account
nearly one third part of our country, namely, the South, a part, too,
that contains as many elements of future trouble to the nation, and
elements, too, that if properly dealt with, can minister as largely to
the nation's future prosperity, as any other portion. Our object in
penning this item is to suggest that some man of equal diligence in
collecting facts, and of equal skill in handling them, shall write a
book entitled, "Our _Whole_ Country," that shall omit no part of it.

* * * * *


The Rev. G.W. McClellan, a graduate of Fisk University and recently a
student at Hartford Theological Seminary, has formed a "_Boys'
Christian Association_" in connection with his church work in
Louisville. The boys meet on Friday evenings for literary exercises,
and the following are some of the questions debated this winter.

1. _Resolved_, That Washington was a greater general than Grant.

2. _Resolved_, That capital punishment ought to be abolished.
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