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The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 06, June, 1888 by Various
page 33 of 77 (42%)
and Christian character.

Such is this mission. It has gone forth in the spirit of Christ, with
faith and love and consecration, seeking to do an honest work with
thoroughness. God's blessing has been upon it. It has results to show
in the renovated and ennobled lives of thousands who have been the
subjects of its ministry; and its broader influence in the elevation
of the oppressed and despised races, begins even now to be clearly
apparent. It has been a faithful monitor to the churches which have
sustained it, an inspirer of their benevolence, an almoner of their
gifts, and an honor to their name. And beyond all this, standing for
those principles which are most essential and fundamental in
Christianity, it has glorified God by exhibiting to the world the
power of Christian faith and sacrifice. Those who have been bound of
Satan, lo, these many years, are loosed from their bonds and made free
in Christ. War has struck off the chains of human bondage. Love shall
now complete the emancipation.

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