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The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 06, June, 1888 by Various
page 35 of 77 (45%)
she dare to drive some of the best teachers there are in the State
outside her borders?

* * * * *

Right in this connection it would be interesting to read the following
letter. A brief word of history, however, is necessary that it may be
understood. In 1878, a young man, a graduate of one of the leading New
England colleges, enlisted in the great army of A.M.A. teachers. He
was a quiet, unassuming, Christian student. The amazing ignorance of
the Southern people, both white and black, awoke his pity; and his
love, for his Saviour, and for his country, led him to give himself to
this most needy field. He was embarrassed and badgered by those who
ought to have welcomed him, and helped him in his work. This mean and
unworthy opposition with which our A.M.A. teachers are so familiar,
culminated in his case, in a series of letters in which his _life_ was
threatened. It was just before the election of President Cleveland.
There was evidently, a well-matured plan to drive him out of the
community, and to intimidate the Negroes so that they would not dare
to vote. The following was one of these letters:

"Mr ---- deer Sir It is for your own good That I write This letter
to you you are an advocate for Social Equality with the white and
the Black race and the People are not going to Put up with any Such
doings and I write you this letter to warn you of The danger and
the great danger That you are in You must leve The country right
away for The People have Pledged Them Seves to get you out of the
contry or Kill you and That in a mity Short time Now as a frend I
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