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The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 06, June, 1888 by Various
page 37 of 77 (48%)
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Two cases of heroic self-denial have come under my notice recently. In
Macon there lives a colored woman whose husband is in an Insane
Asylum. Their home was recently burned to the ground. She has four
{164} small children with her, the eldest of whom is eleven years old,
who are dependent upon her for support. She earns just eight dollars
per month, and yet she sends one girl, aged fifteen, to Atlanta

A young man, whose father was a white man and who is himself a blonde,
has been urgently invited by his white grandmother to come to her home
and take the position of her son's child. She is a wealthy woman,
owning a large plantation. The young man's father, her son, is dead.
The boy would have all the privileges of a wealthy young white man and
inherit the property on his grandmother's death. The sole condition
which the grandmother makes is that he shall give up all association
with his octoroon mother and refuse to recognize her in any way. Thank
God, the boy is too true to his gentle and loving mother to enter into
any such arrangement, even though the bribe offered is thousands of
dollars and a social position of great attractiveness. There is a
great deal of this quiet but heroic self-sacrifice among the colored
people in the South, that never finds its way into print.

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