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The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 06, June, 1888 by Various
page 39 of 77 (50%)
and Seminary are presided for. Some who were taking the rudiments of
learning here but a few years ago, and who have continued their
training at very email expense, are now acceptably filling difficult
and responsible positions in school, in business and in church. There
is more of this work to be done, and to be allowed to help seems a
privilege precious enough to make life vastly desirable.

* * * * *


Our esteemed neighbor at 58 Reade Street, Mr. J.N. Stearns,
Publishing Agent of the National Temperance Society, recently made
a visit to Florida. On his return trip, he visited several of the
A.M.A. schools in the South, and his practiced eye of course
detected the facts in regard to temperance instruction and
influence. We quote the following items:

At Beach Institute, Savannah, under care of the American Missionary
Association, Miss A.A. Holmes principal, I found 230 pupils and a
strong temperance sentiment. The entire school receives sound
temperance instruction. Stirring temperance songs ring through the
halls. A Band of Hope holds regular meetings. "Mother Goose and Her
Temperance Family," was performed with great satisfaction by the
pupils, and a photograph group of the actors taken and preserved as a
memento of the occasion. "Alcohol and Hygiene" and the "Catechism on
Alcohol" are among the studies.

At Charleston I found Avery Institute slowly recovering from the
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