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The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 06, June, 1888 by Various
page 41 of 77 (53%)



My Dear Sir:----Will you Please I have got your letter and I was
vey glad--and vey Good letter--and I tell My Indian friends all
good men and We are vey glad to see your good paper. And, Now, We
Mandans Indian We are maken houses this River south sides and We
are farmes And we have Great fields--and We like Vey much the White
man Ways--and We are White mans--and We are a Friends to the White,
and We hear much talk of you and we are good Indians Mandans. We do
not do foolish to the Whites, and We are a good Friends to the
Whites----And now I wants to know the Great Fathers Wishes to us.
Please good tell me the Great fathers what he say to us--When you
get this letter Please Write to me Yery soon. Good buy--

I am Very your truly friends,

MR. WOLFE, Chief.

Fort Berthold West, 30 miles from here I live and have 16 acres and
I am glad. I have a cow, 6 horses, a wagon, a plow. I have three
houses and a store. I live south side this River. Yours,

MR. WOLFE, Chief.

* * * * *

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