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The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 06, June, 1888 by Various
page 49 of 77 (63%)

_Special Subject for Prayer_.--That obstacles in the way of the speedy
coming of Christ be removed.

_First Topic_.--When, Where and How did this Society originate? (See
"History of American Missionary Association," also "A Catechism.")

_Second Topic_.--What are some of the results and a general summary of
the work done in forty-six years? (See same papers, and also "Pamphlet
No. 10--Forty Years of Missionary Work, Past and Present.")

_Third Topic_.--What are the four grand divisions of its work, and
where are its various fields of operations? (See same papers.)

_Fourth Topic_.--When was the Bureau of Woman's Work organized, and
what is its special department? (See "Forty Years of Missionary
Labor," page 17; also, Leaflet "Bureau of Woman's Work," "Freed Women
of the South," and "Sewing Needed.")

For pamphlets and leaflets mentioned above, apply to Miss D.E.
Emerson, 56 Reade St., New York.

* * * * *

The ladies in the North who are engaged in every good work for the
Lord will be glad to find that there are those in the South who share
their burdens, and their faith, also. The letter below was written by
one of our most intelligent and earnest Christian workers--a colored
lady educated in one of our schools.
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