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The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 06, June, 1888 by Various
page 7 of 77 (09%)


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Vol. XLII. May, 1888. No. 5.

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This Number of the Missionary will reach our friends, the pastors and
the churches, about the first of June, one month before the usual
vacation time sends many of the pastors to their much-needed summer
rest, and when the churches enter upon the months of small
congregations. We wish to remind our friends that the expenditures of
a missionary society have no vacation, and to ask them that in this
remaining month, special efforts be made to prepare us for the months
when there is the usual outflow with only a small stream coming in.

The showing of our receipts is favorable. For the seven months to
April 30th, they aggregate $158,921.20, an increase of $5,082.75 over
last year. The increase in collections and donations is $9,241.84, but
there is a decrease in legacies of $4,159.09, leaving the net increase
as above stated. On the other hand, however, the expenditure that has
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