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The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 06, June, 1888 by Various
page 73 of 77 (94%)


Charleston. Tuition 214.00
Charleston. By Rev. Geo. C. Rowe 6.00

GEORGIA, $534.85.

Macon. Tuition 217.55
McIntosh. Tuition 33.00
Savannah. Tuition 205.25
Thomasville. Tuition 71.55
Thomasville. Sab. Sch. of Conn. Ind'l Sch., _for Indian M._ 7.50

ALABAMA, $612.85.

Athens. Tuition 63.45
Marion. "C.W.L." _for Marion Ala._ 12.50
Mobile. Tuition 221.15
Selma. Miss Julia Andrews, _for Student Aid, Talladega C._ 8.00
Talladega. Tuition 307.75

FLORIDA, $10.00.

Sanford. Mrs. Moses Lyman 10.00

LOUISIANA, $331.00.

New Orleans. Tuition 331.00

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