The Understudy - Night Watches, Part 3. by W. W. Jacobs
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page 3 of 16 (18%)
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"Wonder who he belongs to?" ses Ginger. "Is there any name on the
collar, Peter?" Peter shook his 'ead. "It's a good collar, though," he ses. "I wonder whether he's been and lost 'imself?" Old Sam, wot was always on the look-out for money, put his beer down and wiped 'is mouth. "There might be a reward out for 'im," he ses. "I think I'll take care of 'im for a day or two, in case." "We'll all take care of 'im," ses Ginger; "and if there's a reward we'll go shares. Mind that!" "I found 'im," ses Sam, very disagreeable. "He came up to me as if he'd known me all 'is life." "No," ses Ginger. "Don't you flatter yourself. He came up to you because he didn't know you, Sam." "If he 'ad, he'd ha' bit your 'and," ses Peter Russet. "Instead o' washing it," ses Ginger. "Go on!" ses Sam, 'olding his breath with passion. "Go on!" Peter opened 'is mouth, but just then another man came into the bar, and, arter ordering 'is drink, turned round and patted the dog's 'ead. "That's a good dog; 'ow old is he?" he ses to Ginger. |