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The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 02 by John Dryden
page 45 of 630 (07%)
_Enter_ BIBBER _with a Bottle_.

_Bib_. By this hand, I have alight upon the best wine in your
cousin's cellar; drink but one glass to me, to shew I am welcome, and
I am gone.

_Fail_. Here then, honest Will; 'tis a cup of forbearance to

_Bib_. Thank you, sir, I'll pledge you--now here's to you again.

_Fail_. Come away; what is't, Will?

_Bib_. 'Tis what you christened it, a cup of forbearance, sir.

_Fail_. Why, I drank that to thee, Will, that thou shouldst
forbear thy money.

_Bib_. And I drink this to you, sir; henceforward I'll forbear
working for you.

_Fail_. Then say I:

_Take a little Bibber,
And threw him in the river;
And if he will trust never,
Then there let him lie ever._

_Bib_. Then say I:

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