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The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 02 by John Dryden
page 48 of 630 (07%)
_Isa_. 'Tis but a promise; and I have learnt a court trick
for performing any thing [_Aside_]. Well, gentlemen, when I am
married I'll think upon you; you'll grant there's a necessity I should
cuckold him, if it were but to prove myself a wit.

_Fail_. Nay, there's no doubt you'll cuckold him, and all that;
for look you, he's a person fit for nothing else; but I fear we shall
not have the graffing of the horns; we must have livery and seisin
beforehand of you, or I protest to gad we believe you not.

_Isa_. I have past my word; is't not sufficient? What! do you
think I would tell a lie to save such a paltry thing as a night's
lodging?--Hark you, sir. [To BURR.

_Fail_. Now will she attempt Burr; egad, she has found him out
for the weaker vessel.

_Isa_. I have no kindness for that Failer; we'll strike him out,
and manage Sir Timorous ourselves.

_Burr_. Indeed we won't.

_Isa_. Failer's a rook; and, besides, he's such a debauched

_Burr_. I am ten times worse.

_Isa_. Leave it, and him that taught it you: You have virtuous
inclinations, and I would not have you ruin yourself. He, that serves
many mistresses, surfeits on his diet, and grows dead to the whole
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