The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 02 by John Dryden
page 51 of 630 (08%)
page 51 of 630 (08%)
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_Enter_ LOVEBY, _new habited_. _Const_. Mr Loveby, welcome, welcome: Where have you been this fortnight? _Lov_. Faith, madam, out of town, to see a little thing that's fallen to me upon the death of a grandmother. _Const_. You thank death for the windfall, servant: But why are you not in mourning for her? _Lov_. Troth, madam, it came upon me so suddenly, I had not time: 'Twas a fortune utterly unexpected by me. _Isa_. Why, was your grandmother so young, you could not look for her decease? _Lov_. Not for that neither; but I had many other kindred, whom she might have left it to; only she heard I lived here in fashion, and spent my money in the eye of the world. _Const_. You forge these things prettily; but I have heard you are as poor as a decimated cavalier, and had not one foot of land in all the world. _Lov_. Rivals' tales, rivals' tales, madam. _Const_. Where lies your land, sir? |