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The Story of Bessie Costrell by Mrs. Humphry Ward
page 20 of 93 (21%)
only nateral you should leave it with Isaac an me, as is your own kith
and kin. But we wasn't goin to say nothin; we didn't want to be pushin
of ourselves forward.'

John rose to his feet. He was in his shirt-sleeves, which were rolled
up. He pulled them down, put on his coat, an air of crisis on his fat

'Where 'ud you put it?' he said.

'Yer know that cupboard by the top of the stairs? It 'ud stand there
easy. And the cupboard's got a good lock to it; but we'd 'ave it seen
to, to make sure.'

She looked up at him eagerly. She longed to feel herself trusted and
important. Her self-love was too often mortified in these respects.

John fumbled round his neck for the bit of black cord on which he kept
two keys--the key of his room while he was away, and the key of the box

'Well, let's get done with it,' he said. 'I'm off to-morrer mornin, six
o'clock. You go and get Isaac to come down.'

'I'll run,' said Bessie, catching up her shawl and throwing it over her
head. 'He wor just finishin his tea.'

And she whirled out of the cottage, running up the steep road behind it
as fast as she could. John was vaguely displeased by her excitement; but
the die was cast. He went to make his arrangements.
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