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The Story of Bessie Costrell by Mrs. Humphry Ward
page 30 of 93 (32%)
'Yes, she had a legacy,' said Watson, dubiously; 'but I don't believe it
was much. She talked big, of course, and made a lot o' fuss--she's that
kind o' woman--just as she did about old John's money.'

'Old John's money?--Ah! did any one ever know what became of that?'

'Well, there's many people thinks as Isaac has got it hid in the house
somewhere, and there's others thinks he's put it in Bedford bank.
Edwards told me private he didn't know nothing about it at the
post-office, and Bessie told my wife as John had given Isaac the keepin
of it till he come back again; but he'd knock her about, she said, if
she let on what he'd done with it. That's the story she's allus had, and
boastin, of course, dreadful, about John's trustin them, and Isaac doin
all his business for him.'

The minister reflected.

'And you say the legacy wasn't much?'

'Well, sir, I know some people over at Bedford where her aunt lived as
left it her, and they were sure it wasn't a great deal; but you never

'And Isaac never said?'

'Bless yer, no sir! He was never a great one for talking, wasn't Isaac;
but you'd think now as he'd never learnt how. He'll set there in the
club of a night and never open his mouth to nobody.'

'Perhaps he's fretting about his wife, Watson?'
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