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The Story of Bessie Costrell by Mrs. Humphry Ward
page 50 of 93 (53%)
moment's vague impression of something strange in Watson's looks.

However, Watson shook hands with great friendliness.

'Well, I'm glad to see yer, John, I'm sure. An now, I s'pose, you're
back for good?'

'Aye. I'm not goin away no more. I've done my share--I wants a bit o'

'Of coorse yer do. You've been ill, 'aven't yer? You look like it. An
yer puttin up at Costrells'?'

'Yes, till I can turn round a bit. 'Ave yer seen anythin ov 'em? 'Ow's

Watson faced back towards the village.

'I'll walk with yer a bit--I'm in no 'urry. Oh, she's all right. You
'eard of her bit o' money?'

John opened his eyes.

'Noa, I don know as I did.'

'It wor an aunt o' hers, soa I understan--quite a good bit o' money.'

'Did yer iver hear the name?' said John, eagerly.

'Some one livin at Bedford, I did 'ear say.'
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