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The Story of Bessie Costrell by Mrs. Humphry Ward
page 56 of 93 (60%)

'Don know,' repeated the boy, stupidly.

'Oh, for goodness' sake, she's never at Dawson's again!' groaned Mary
Anne to herself; 'she wor there last night, an the night afore that. An
her mother's brother lyin like this in 'er house!'

He was so long in coming round that her ignorance began to fear the
worst. But just as she was telling the eldest girl to put on her hat and
jacket and run for the doctor, poor John revived.

He struggled to a sitting posture, looked wildly at her and at the box.
As his eye caught the two sovereigns still lying at the bottom, he gave
a cry of rage, and got upon his feet with a mighty effort.

'Where's Bessie, I tell yer? Where's the huzzy gone? I'll have the law
on 'er! I'll make 'er give it up--by the Lord, I will!'

'John, what is it?--John, my dear!' cried Mary Anne, supporting him, and
terrified lest he should pitch headlong down the stairs.

'Yo 'elp me down,' he said, violently. 'We'll find 'er--we'll wring it
out ov 'er--the mean thievin vagabond! Changin suverins, 'as she? we'll
soon know about that--yo 'elp me down, I tell yer.'

And with her assistance he hobbled down the stairs, hardly able to
stand. Mary Anne's eyes were starting out of her head with fear and
agitation, and the children were staring at the old man as he came
tottering into the kitchen, when a sound at the outer door made them all
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