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The Story of Bessie Costrell by Mrs. Humphry Ward
page 64 of 93 (68%)

'An John locked it hisself, an tuk the key?' Saunders proceeded.

John plucked at his neck again, and, dumbly, held out the key.

'An there worn't nothin wrong wi the lock when yo opened it, John?'

'Nothin, Muster Saunders--I'll take my davy.'

Saunders ruminated. 'Theer's a cupboard there,' he said suddenly,
raising his hand and pointing to the cupboard beside the fireplace.
'Is't anythin like the cupboard on th' stairs, John?'

'Aye, 'tis!' said John, startled and staring. 'Aye, 'tis, Muster

Saunders rose.

'Per'aps,' he said slowly, 'Mrs. Costrell will do us the favour ov
lettin us hexamine that 'ere cupboard?'

He walked across to it. Bessie's hand dropped; she turned sharply,
supporting herself against the table, and watched him, her chest

'There's no key 'ere,' said Saunders, stooping to look at the lock. 'Try
yours, John.'

John rushed forward, but Bessie put herself in the way.

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