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The Story of Bessie Costrell by Mrs. Humphry Ward
page 9 of 93 (09%)
''Liza, don't yer think no more about it. Did Mr. Drew read to yer? Are
yer comfortable in yer mind?'

She made a sign of assent, which showed, however, no great interest in
the subject. There was silence for a long time. Louisa was getting
supper downstairs. John, oppressed by the heat of the room, and tired by
his day's work, had almost fallen asleep in his chair when the old woman
spoke again.

'John--what 'ud you think o' Mary Anne Waller!'

The whisper was still human and eager.

John roused himself, and could not help an astonished laugh.

'Why, whatever put Mary Anne into your head, 'Liza? Yer never thought
anythink o' Mary Anne--no more than me.'

Eliza's eyes wandered round the room.

'P'raps--' she said, then stopped, and could say no more. She seemed to
become unconscious, and John went to call for Louisa.

In the middle of the night John woke with a start, and sat up to listen.
Not a sound--but they would have called him if the end had come. He
could not rest, however, and presently he huddled on some clothes and
went to listen at Eliza's door. It was ajar, and hearing nothing he
pushed it open.

Poor Eliza lay in her agony, unconscious, and breathing heavily. Beside
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