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The Key to Peace by A. Marie Miles
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The Key to Peace

By A. Marie Miles


"Great peace have they which love
thy law: and nothing shall offend them.'


One day, in a very brief conversation, my grandson asked me a question.
I did not get to talk with him much, so later I felt really inspired to
write some things which were upon my heart, that his question had
prompted. Of course I have gone into more detail than he would have had
to know, but felt it was good to stir up thoughts of what he did know.

After I gave it to him to read, I remarked that I might print it some
day and hoped that it would be a help to someone else. He returned it to
me and I am sending it forth with a prayer that these Bible truths will
be a help to some soul.

At this writing, I am 64 years of age and I feel I am living on borrowed
time. In 1973, it seemed that the Lord was going to take me, but He
healed me and I am doing all I can for the Lord. I recommend the Lord to
every soul. He has been precious to me down through my life, with many
blessings in the times of trouble and heartache.
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