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Somerset by J. H. Wade;G. W. Wade
page 157 of 283 (55%)
discovered here and there worked into houses and garden walls. A
gateway on the R. of lane leading to station is made up of such
fragments. A heap of débris to the E. of the church indicates the
whereabouts of the original buildings. The church is a spacious rather
than an inspiring edifice. A massive W. tower was built in 1634 to
replace a tower which stood at the E. end of the N. aisle, and was
destroyed by a thunderstorm. The chancel is the most interesting part
of the building, and should be examined externally where the original
E.E. lancets are visible. Within, it has been converted into a kind of
mausoleum for the Bridges family, some of whom are represented in
effigy. Note the round-headed double piscina in sanctuary. The S. aisle
is Dec., and contains a fine Perp. screen. The Caroline screen dividing
the S. chapel from chancel should also be observed. The window tracery
throughout the church is crude. A row of alms-houses near the Wingrove
Hotel were founded by Sir T. Bridges. A Roman tessellated pavement was
discovered in making the railway cutting, and was removed to Bristol.

_Kilmersdon_, a village 2 m. S. from Radstock. It lies prettily in a
hollow at the foot of Ammerdown Park. The church is a 15th cent. Perp.
building with a lofty W. tower which forms a graceful object in the
vale. The nave within and without bears traces of Norm. work. Note
corbels and scale work on S. external wall, and in the interior the
small Norm. window. In Perp. times the walls were raised, the old
corbel-table being left in its original position. The triple panelling
to the tower arch and the reduplication of the chancel arch is a little
peculiar. A triangular lychgate of unusual design has lately been added
to the churchyard. There is an Elizabethan communion cup dated 1566.
_Ammerdown House_ (Ld. Hylton) stands amongst the trees on the
hill-side behind the village. It is an Italian mansion, designed by
Wyatt. The summit of the hill above is crowned by a graceful memorial
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