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Somerset by J. H. Wade;G. W. Wade
page 159 of 283 (56%)
the piscina in the S. chapel; (4) the sacristy below the E. window (as
at N. Petherton and Langport); (5) the small crucifix over the S. porch
(which originally had a parvise).

_Kingsdon_, a village 2-1/2 m. S.S.E. of Somerton. Its church, in the
main Perp., has a plain embattled tower and some Dec. windows. The S.
porch has niches for images and a stoup; there are piscinas in the
chancel and the N. transept, and in the same transept the effigy of a
crusader, believed to be one Guy Bryan. On the road between Ilchester
and Somerton, which passes over the hill below which the church is
situated, a fine view may be obtained, embracing the Quantocks, the
Blackdowns, and part of the Mendips.

_Kingston St Mary_, a village 3 m. N. of Taunton. Its church, prettily
situated on rising ground, has a fine W. tower, crowned with numerous
pinnacles and a turret spirelet. On three sides are canopied niches,
the upper ones supported on cherubs or angels. The arcade of the nave
is Trans. or E.E., that of the chancel Perp., the junction being rather
clumsily effected. There is no chancel arch. The S. porch has a fine
groined roof, with niches and holy-water stoup. Note (1) the carved
seat-ends (one having the date 1522); (2) the large tomb (_temp._
Edward III.) in the S. aisle belonging to the Warres; (3) black-letter
Bible (1617) and Bishop Jewel's works (chained). The neighbouring
mansion of _Hestercombe_, once the possession of the Warres, but now
belonging to the Portmans, is said to preserve a sword taken by one of
the Warres from King John of France at Poitiers.

_Kingston Seymour_ is a village about 2 m. W. of Yatton, with a halt on
the Clevedon and Weston light railway. Its church has a tower
surmounted by a spire: the parapet, which is of an unusual character,
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