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Somerset by J. H. Wade;G. W. Wade
page 164 of 283 (57%)

_Littleton, High_, a large village 10 m. S.W. of Bath, on the road to
Wells (station, Hallatrow). The church has been more than once rebuilt,
and contains nothing of interest but some mural tablets (15th cent.) to
the Hodges family.

_Litton_, a village in a dale, 4 m. S.W. from Hallatrow Station. The
church is late 15th cent. Perp. of rather poor workmanship. The chancel
is out of centre with the nave, necessitating a large hagioscope on N.
An ungainly modern N. aisle needlessly emphasises this lop-sidedness.
The chancel contains a good piscina. In the neighbourhood is a large
reservoir in connection with the Bristol water-works.

_Locking_, a parish 3 m. S.E. of Weston-super-Mare, but most easily
reached from Worle Station, 1-1/2 m. away. The church was rebuilt in
1863, and its earlier features obliterated, with the exception of the
Perp. tower. It contains, however, a very interesting old square font
of Transitional date, with quaint figures at the angles, and a carved
stone pulpit (cp. the neighbouring churches of Loxton, Worle, Hutton,
Wick St Lawrence).

_Long Load_, a parish 2 m. N. of Martock, with a modern church built on
the site of an old chapelry or chantry.

_Lopen_, a parish 4 m. N.W. of Crewkerne, is noteworthy as being the
place where Cardinal Wolsey, when holding the cure of Limington, is
said to have been put in the stocks by Sir Amyas Poulett. The church
(Perp.) is ancient, but it has been restored and enlarged, and is of
little interest.

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