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Somerset by J. H. Wade;G. W. Wade
page 180 of 283 (63%)
church that has been entirely rebuilt.

_Monkton, West_, a parish 4 m. N.E. of Taunton, which gets its name
from the fact that the monks of Glastonbury owned property in it. Its
church, mainly Perp., but containing in the chancel arch work of
earlier date (perhaps 13th cent.), is noteworthy for its lofty tower.
The nave has a clerestory, and a good oak cornice. Note (1) stoup in S.
porch; (2) piscinas; (3) mural tablet in chancel to the memory of
William Kinglake, a physician (d. 1660), with its curious inscription.
In the churchyard are the parish stocks. The old leper hospital in
Taunton (_q.v._) really belongs to this parish.

_Montacute_, 4 m. W. of Yeovil, is an attractive village (with station)
which derives its name from two neighbouring pyramidal eminences, one
of which, crowned by St Michael's Tower, is the site of a former
castle. There are several places of interest in or near it. Its church
preserves work of various periods, Norm. (chancel arch and moulding on
N. wall of nave), E.E. and Dec. (windows in chancel and transepts), and
Perp. (tower and nave). The tower is good, with its stages divided by
rows of quatrefoils. Note (1) groining of N. porch (the ribs are
inaccurately centred), (2) brackets beneath organ (the eastern alone is
ancient), (3) elaborate niches in chancel arch, (4) squint and piscina,
(5) texts round reredos, dated 1543, (6) effigies of the Phelipses, the
earliest dating from the 15th cent. In the churchyard is the carved
shaft of a cross. Near the W. end of the church is a beautiful
15th-cent. gateway, once belonging to a Cluniac Priory (founded in the
time of Henry I.), with oriel windows N. and S., the latter flanked by
two turrets of unequal height. Note over N. window a portcullis, and
over the S. the letters _T.C._, the initials of Thomas Chard, the last
prior but two. In the village square is a picturesque house with the
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