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Somerset by J. H. Wade;G. W. Wade
page 183 of 283 (64%)
_Nempnett Thrubwell_, a small village 7 m. S.W. from Pensford Station,
and 10 S.S.W. of Bristol. It stands on high ground overlooking a deep
valley. In the neighbourhood some very fine views may be obtained of
the Mendip Hills, the Blagdon Reservoir, and the Wrington valley. The
church is a small building with a Perp. W. tower, from the W. face of
which project two curious and uncanny carved heads of a man and beast.
The walls of the nave still bear the original 13th cent. consecration
crosses. The chancel is modern, and contains a rich modern screen and a
good E. window of Munich glass. Note (1) rude Norm. S. doorway filled
with Perp. tracery; (2) Norm. font carved with a curious device by some
later craftsman. Near the porch in the churchyard is (1) base of
ancient cross; (2) tomb of first rector--Robert--bearing an incised
cross. The parish once contained a remarkably fine tumulus of masonry,
said to have been one of the finest in Britain, in the chambers of
which skeletons have been discovered. A few vestiges of it now only
remain, the rest has been used as a lime-kiln.

_Nettlecombe_, a parish 2-1/2 m. S.W. of Williton. Its church stands in
the park of _Nettlecombe Court_, the seat of Sir J.W. Trevelyan. Though
restored in 1869 it retains several features of interest. The tower has
the staircase turret at the N.W. angle (cp. Martock and Yeovil). In the
interior note (1) the foliage round the capitals of the arcade piers;
(2) the fine ancient glass in two windows in the N. aisle, representing
seven saints; (3) the octagonal font, with carved sides (much defaced),
seven of them supposed to represent the seven sacraments; (4) the
effigies under two E.E. recesses in the S. aisle, representing (i) a
crusader, (ii) a knight (hip-belted) and his lady. They probably belong
to the Raleigh family, the former owners of Nettlecombe Court. There is
also a slab with an inscription to John Trevelyan (d. 1623). The pulpit
is approached by the old rood staircase. The Communion plate dates from
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