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Somerset by J. H. Wade;G. W. Wade
page 191 of 283 (67%)
Athelney (see p. 13). (With Hubba's name cp. _Hobb's Boat_ on the Axe).

_Paulton_, a populous mining and manufacturing village, 1-1/2 m. S.E.
from Hallatrow Station. The church is an uninteresting bit of early
Victorian re-building (1839) with an 18th cent. tower, a woefully poor
imitation of Perp. work.

_Pawlett_, a parish 4 m. N. of Bridgwater (nearest station Dunball,
1-1/2 m.) It has a cruciform church (with W. tower), possessing (1) a
Norm. S. door, with some unusual but much defaced mouldings; (2) a tub
font (on a later base); (3) a screen with vine ornamentation; (4) a
Jacobean pulpit.

_Peasedown St John_, a bleakly situated colliery village, 6 m. S.W.
from Bath. It consists of a long string of cottages and a modern

_Pendomer_, a small hamlet, 2 m. W.S.W. from Sutton Bingham (L. and
S.W.). A combination of situation and family associations is
responsible for its name (Dummer's Hill). The church is noteworthy only
as containing a remarkable monument. In a cinque-foiled recess on the
N., faced with a square canopy surmounted by pinnacles, is the
recumbent figure of a knight clad in coat of mail. It is believed to
represent Sir J. de Dummer (d. about 1321), son of Sir William buried
at Chilthorne Domer. Note (1) grotesque figures supporting canopy; (2)
cusps worked up into figures of angels (cp. Dowlishwake); (3) iron
prickets for lights. The church windows contain some old glass, and the
arms of the Stourton family. The neighbouring farmhouse is a 16th cent.

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